What to expect with LENS

LENS invites the brain to change

With LENS, we increase the vascular function and this increase in blood flow can be like a 'workout' for the brain. Over time, this allows the brain to operate with more energy and flexibility.

LENS offers the brain an opportunity to self-regulate. As the brain grows more flexible, it is common for senses to improve(clearer vision or heightened smell or taste). Memories, ideas, and forgotten or unknown parts of the self may resurface, emotional range expands.

You may find yourself having more emotional access than you've previously had, meaning you may 'feel' more. This is common and a sign the brain is expanding in it's connectivity/flexibility. If there has been a lot of brainwave suppression, this can also look like emotional suppression. People tend to blossom, become more relaxed, and even have better boundaries. Overall, this can be a profoundly relieving and uplifting experience- however in cases where there may have been trauma, it can also be quite an emotional journey.

If this happens for you…don’t be alarmed, it is normal and a common part of the LENS process. Sometimes you gotta feel it to heal it!

It can be VERY HELPFUL to find a counsellor, therapist, or other supportive professional to assist you in your personal growth and changing mindset. LENS pairs well with most other therapies and can even make them more effective!

If you or a loved one are considering starting LENS, know that it could make available new or potentially uncomfortable emotions at times and that finding a supportive counsellor can be a very helpful addition.

Most people report feeling more clear, calm, and grounded immediately during or after LENS neurofeedback. As the brain becomes more balanced, we start to feel better, have more energy, and things get easier.

After your first sessions

You may notice only very mild shifts after yor first LENS appointments. Be prepared to observe your behaviors/experiences over the next 48 hours following your appointment. This can be a time when people experience becoming more tired, moody, sensitive, or reactive than usual. We can act a little unlike our usual selves, particularly after the first 3-5 sessions.

The first sessions tend to bring the ‘strongest’ after effects, this is because it’s much like your brain is going to the gym for the first time. It can take a bit for the brain to adjust to this type of therapy. If you do get sleepy, just allow yourself to rest and take it easy. The tiredness and Your brain is working hard and a little rest can go a long way!

It is common for people to be a bit sleepy following the first 4-5 appointments as the brain can sometimes need to rest directly after a treatment. This tiredness tends to fade in time as the brain becomes adjusted to the experience and it is no longer as challenging.

It can be useful to let loved ones and people you live with aware of these possible outcomes so they can support you. If you do find yourself becoming moody or agitated, they can just give you a little room, understanding, and extra kindness while you ride the changes.

Usually, these shifts become milder after the first few sessions and most people report consistently feeling better, more energized, calmer and have an easier time focusing.


The process of LENS can range from subtle to profound and anywhere in between.

For questions or more information about LENS, get in touch!

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned,

so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

Joseph Campbell